Need Help with Dog Problem ASAP, Please!!!


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
This is a convoluted story so I will keep it as brief as possible while still getting across the main points.

I have a feeling my feelings are getting in the way of finding an answer so I need outside opinions on how to handle the situation.

We have been having dog problems with our closest neighbor since Feb of 2014 (this year). At that time our two LGD's, Diego and Toli, were 13 months and 11 months old. They emailed my landlord a huge nasty personally slandering email (even though I've only met the lady once) saying that our dogs killed one of her Cock-a-poos (cocker spaniel/ poodle). Now, I am one of those people that have seen what dogs can do when they get into pack mode and can understand, HOWEVER myself, my boyfriend, my landlord, three children I was baby sitting, AND a family of three were here AT THE FARM physically up there WITH the dogs when the "attack" happened and I know it wasn't our dogs. The lady is hell bent that it was our dogs, even though no one saw the attack, and there was absolutely no proof.

March of 2014 Toli has a litter of 9 puppies.

May of 2014 at 8 weeks old, two of Toli's puppies go missing. I have a gut feeling they were stolen as they were in the middle of our farm, but my boyfriend thinks coyotes got them. They were there at night when we tucked everyone in bed at 10 pm and by 6:30 am the next morning, they are missing. We searched for hours and days, searched all the neighboring fields and neighbors yards, put up fliers and asked neighbors, all to no avail. We knew they couldn't have gotten far since they were so young, we walked around to some of the neighbors houses looking in yards for them in case someone thought they were strays. We did NOT look or knock at these particular neighbors house since the woman had been so venomous to me and since we KNOW that they have seen and knew both of the parent dogs (of which the puppies are carbon copies). These pups had already been sold and we had deposits on them which we had to refund.

2 months later they again email our landlord slandering the heck out of me personally (I've still only ever met or spoke with her one time) saying that our dogs "tore up" her cocker-poodles. However, our dogs were tethered on steel cables locked inside the goat pasture, so there is NO possible way it was our dogs. She has about 4-5 of these miniature cocker- poodles, that weigh no more than 15 pounds, and that they let run all over country, into other people yards etc, they come down to our place and harass our livestock all the time. They refuse to keep them contained.

Today on August 31st while up at the farm feeding the animals, in the evening at approx 6:30 pm I look up and see our two "missing" puppies come running back down into our yard, granted now they are 5 months old, but of course I recognized them instantly. The pups come running over to me as soon as I call them, happy as can be. They both look to be in good condition and have collars and tags. I lock them in the barn and remove one of the tags to bring down with me to the house to google the phone number and address, thinking if it was one of our further away neighbors it would be totally understandable. Well turns out to be an exact match to these immediate next door neighbors, the ones we have been having such a problem with. So they had our puppies the entire time while they were starting all this unfounded crap with us!

So now they have called our landlord, and aren't denying that they are our dogs, but at first they said they thought they were strays and then changed their story to saying they thought we had left them at their doorstep for them as a peace offering, *cough BS*. Now they want them back. I created a chronological list of all the events that happened, as well as attached the missing flyer and sent it all to my landlord (as she is the intermediary between us as the lady won't even speak to us). I don't know if they expect us to give them back for free, or if they thinks its reasonable to buy them from us, but at this point I am convinced they knowingly stole them from us and that the lady is utterly cuckoo. My thoughts are to sell them back to them, but my boyfriend thinks that if we ask for "too much" that the lady will retaliate and try to steal our puppies, let goats out, poison our animals etc. I say she could still do all that even if we gave them back for free.

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Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
You just cannot reason with a nut cake.
That about sums it up.
Sounds like you've handled it as well as possible, documenting events and avoiding confrontations. Thank heavens for your landlord! I don't think I'd be willing to let them have the dogs back for any amount of money but that' just me feeling stinky. Best of luck in this tough situation.


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
That about sums it up.
Sounds like you've handled it as well as possible, documenting events and avoiding confrontations. Thank heavens for your landlord! I don't think I'd be willing to let them have the dogs back for any amount of money but that' just me feeling stinky. Best of luck in this tough situation.

My thoughts exactly. I don't want to give them back as they are our puppies, but my boyfriend thinks we should to help keep the peace.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Like Alsea1 and MsDeb said - You can't fix crazy! I don't think I'd let them have the dogs back reason to reward a thief. Maybe the pups wandered over there...maybe. But, a reasonable person would have tried to find the owner and it sounds like they already knew the owner was you. I'd be thinking about contacting the authorities just to file a report and get this on file somewhere. Not necessarily to press charges, but it wouldn't hurt for them to know you're serious about it. Sometimes a bully has to be put in their place. Good luck!


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Could they have come onto your property and taken 8-week old puppies with the puppies parents right there? Or is it more likely they tempted them off the property, or some of the puppies were getting out and exploring and they got them then? Regardless, I think they knew they were yours, too.

What about contacting your local Animal Control and asking them what would typically happen in a situation like that - who would they consider the owner? You may not need to go into all the 'problem neighbor' details, just the puppy situation. And I'm sure you have plenty of pictures of them when they were young to help prove your case.

Did she report the cocker spaniel killing, or the 'tearing up' the poodle, to animal control? Did they come visit your place, what was their conclusion? Any normal person would report something like that, but I'm with the others, I think she's not normal... and I wish you luck in dealing with this.

Personally I would not give or sell her the puppies, I would fight to prove they were mine, and I would put up security cameras, gates, locks, anything else I could afford to make sure my animals are safe.

Have you called animal control to report it when her dogs are on your property harrassing your livestock? That will help build a history - pictures of it if you can get them, too.

Tea Chick

Ridin' The Range
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
My thoughts exactly. I don't want to give them back as they are our puppies, but my boyfriend thinks we should to help keep the peace.
I, personally, would shudder to give/sell animals to the woman you described, but...if my DH thought it was best to give them the puppies, then I would do that.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I would report this to animal control or the Sheriff ASAP. Give them the history and let them deal with her. If her dogs come onto your land your dogs have the right to tear them up no matter what.

Do you think the pups wandered off your land? Could they get through your fences? Either way I am sure they knew you had puppies. What nerve. I would NOT let her have the dogs back.

What a pain and it makes my crazy neighbors look sane.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
If they came onto your land to steal the dogs wouldn't the adult dogs have intervened? Mine would have.


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
Yes they could probably have walked right onto our property and taken them. They are our immediate next door neighbor (the only one we have) and there is no fence in between our property and theirs, and our dogs know them.

Theoretically yes our puppies *could* have wandered up there, but at 8 weeks old it would be quite a trek to make it all the way to her house by themselves. And even if they did wander up there she KNEW they were ours.

I have spoken with a Deputy and filed an event report. He said because of the value of the dogs and since dogs are considered property (if we decide to escalate it to a Crime report) it's a felony and they can go to jail for three years.

We have offered to sell the puppies back to them for the full asking price plus spay contract and a no harass stipulation.

If they don't like that option and decide to harass or retaliate in any way shape or form we will escalate it to a Crime Report.

Waiting to see what they have to say back as my landlord is acting as an intermediary for us.
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