Loving the herd life
So 2 days ago my MILs doe gave birth to a little buckling we all thought she looked like she was still going to have another baby but we stayed out in barn with her for hours and she just cleaned the little buckling and watched out for him she walked around eating hay and drinking water she didnt have another one. Her last kidding was a single birth and was acting alright so we went back about our business checking in on her through out the day and before bed next morning she was still acting ok and feeding the buckling but the next morning she was screaming out and wouldn't stand couldnt hardly raise her head foaming from the mouth and pushing , and she was bleeding a lot we called vet and took her in he examined her and she had another baby stuck up inside her she couldnt push out he put his hand inside her and couldnt pull it out it had her bleeding internaly and he thought she was to far gone to survive surgery so he put her down the kid inside of her was already dead, now i have a 2 day old baby to bottle feed and not sure about how much and how often for one this young any help would be appreciated
Edited, the buckling is a fainting goat
Edited, the buckling is a fainting goat