Well, I had to pull a lamb today...I had a ewe that has been showing for awhile now, and today she decided to wonder off by herself. I brought her down to the barn cause I WAS NOT gonna try to drag her crazy sopping wet behind to the barn. I put another ewe with her to keep her company til this afternoon I saw hooves, so I penned her up and went on with checking cows and such. Well, about an hour later there were still just hooves! I gave her a little more time and said heck with it so I go to pull his hooves out and his tongue hanging out, and from my experience that means they are dead. I pulled him out and he starts coughing and snorting. Then the ewe got up turned around to him and looks at him like he's an alien.....ugh! A few minutes later it lets out a baaa and momma starts "talking" to him and licking him. Thank god for not having another bottle baby to feed! Don't get me wrong I love my bottle babies, but four lambs and two calves is plenty for this girl!
How many sheep do you have? It's interesting that you've found that the lambs are dead if they have their tongue sticking out. I think that with all of our births this year (37 lambs), the majority of them were born (alive) with their tongue sticking out. I don't worry about it unless the tongue is swollen.
Cute lamb! What breed/cross is he?
I'm totally with you on the bottle baby thing. I only had one bottle lamb this year (thankfully!), but I have 4 calves!
I am having an awesome year!!!
No bottle babies as of yet!
I shouldn't say that too loud. Don't want to jinks myself!
But, I only got 6 more ewes to go and so far no bottle babies! Usually I end up with at least 1-4.
Thanks 20, and FWR.....Lucky you, but I do love my bottle babies, actually none of my lambs are from my sheep there is two farmers that give me their lambs.
So, I have been a busy bee! Yesterday I weaned....and I'm ashamed to say April's doeling who was born in Jan (in my defense April normally weans her kids on her own and I didn't want to wean the kid by herself), and Gab's buckling. I also put my new kids Grace and Inman in with them to keep the company and in a few days the boys will be by themselves in a stall and the girls will be in the other weaning stall for about a week til I wean Gab's doeling whom my father and I decided was too small to wean just yet. Then I'll have the three girls in the weaning stall for another week and then I plan to move the young girls back in with my big does and the two bucklings will maybe be put in with my buck and two calves. Hopefully it works out!
Sheep have been sheared/wormed and left in the pasture with the goats to help eat down some of the grass.
Right now I have six adult sheep counting the ram, and eight lambs. Four of the eight lambs are bottle fed the others are dam raised. Rams name is Remington, and the ewes are Rosabell (best sheep ever-bottle fed), Hadley (Rosabell's first lamb), Ila V. Ewe- bottle fed, Magnolia, Speckly and Jazelle (hair ewe). Lambs are Meleah, Hartlyn, Josie, Oliver, those are the bottle lambs, and Rosabells lambs Winifred and Chester, the other two are unnamed.
I have five adult goats, Jackson, April, Gabrielle, Naleigh and Avlynn. There are five kids, Siggy (April's daughter), TynTyn (Gab's son), Rin (Gab's daughter), Gracelyn, and Inman.
Shew, I think I got them all!
Well, last night we figured out what has been eating my eggs, ducks and chickens.....two foxes! Ugh! We have to figure out how to get rid of them, I know shooting them would be the easiest way, but I'm not much for all that.