New babies

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm looking at the Brinsea Cabinet incubator... anyone have one?
I prefer my hens hatch out their chicks but I need to control my hatches for spring. I only want 100 per week/2 weeks.

I'm not into the brooders too much because the chicks are not in there long enough, I have a professional brooder and really don't like it. If they are mother brooded I start mine in/out at a day old. If incubated... open brooders for 2weeks and then at 3wks the brooder is opened all day to the nursery bldg for them to run around, confining them in smaller space for nightime, I also open the "out" door so they can start long as it is sunny and not too cold. I don't do the heatlamp "cooking" of 90-95 degrees and reduce by 5 degrees each week. My momma birds have hatched in the woods at 29 degrees in pouring rain...10 chicks all still alive... no intervention. ..and these are Modern Game Bantams- supposedly not hardy under 42 degrees. Mine don't care about snow or rain.

I think Shelly may wants to not hatch but buy chicks and raise up to started/laying pullets so husbandry will be a bit different. Mine is all about breeding/raising the strongest hardiest "non-pampered" birds.

None of our Silkies have been that great for brooding...yet that is what they are known for. :/ I don't like them too much really. We did raise them for meat for awhile though, very popular for the asian meat market. I do love the cochins though...they brood ducks, turkeys, geese...anything. Honestly I do not have any birds that are not good brooders/sitters. I'm not sure how my Orloffs will do though... if they are not good I will sell the breeders.

Shelly May- I am jealous of your lodge! :lol:

Shelly May

Chillin' with the herd
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
FYI everyone:

I talked to southern for about 4 hrs yesterday on phone, She is GREAT, she gave me so much info, Pro's-Con's,
do and dont's. This is what is great about this forum, when your getting into something new, and want to avoid
expenses/ losses/ health problems,ect... You can reach out and find some wonderful people here. I don't know
southern at all, but she reached out to help and invited me to call her (AS WOMEN TALK ALOT AND CAN'T TYPE
AS FAST AS THEY TALK):lol: she has saved me a ton already, So thank you Southern and I will keep in touch.

Ellie May, I will call you when they arrive, Heck you might be my first customer, As I know you are a sucker for
chickens, :gig

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Shelly May... I am gathering pictures of what we talked about.... putting them in a file I will send them sometime today...with the "what I would do different" list with it.

Trying to get a pic of my nursery bldg and main building, and the tenex stuff we talked about.

Snowed here!

BTW- Love your plans with the place!

I will send you a test e-mail. :)


Ridin' The Range
Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hart Co., KY
Fluffygal said "I love your lodge and the space it gives. You can even house in-laws in it."

I was just wondering which of us you directed that statement to. LOL

Back to Nature

Ridin' The Range
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Southern by choice said:
That is awesome! I could live there :lol: enough bedrooms...easy clean up, big porch! :plbb

Love the pics of the dogs/pups! :love pyr's

The chicken idea is do able but you will want to consider ventilation... and proper lighting for correct growth and vitality.
If you want I'll pm you my breeding list and a little info on them. At one time I had something like 45 different breeds :th
I pick for different reasons...layers, colors of eggs, heritage breeds, fancy breeds, popular pet breeds, and hardy breeds. I also have some endangered/critical birds from the ALBC. (American Livestock Breed Conservancy)

I am a closed flock, we were MG free in 2011 and continue with strict bio-security etc. If I add anything it has to come from NPIP and only hatching eggs as to irradicate CRD's from the hatching chicks by a Tylan shocking treatment. Alot of work, but I have clean, healthy stock.
We test for Pullorum/ Typhoid and Avian Influenza.

Yep, I'm freaky for poultry! :cool:

PS I NEED MORE LAND! Maybe Kentucky???? Hope my kids don't see that !;)
Can you pm me your breeding list? I'm curious to see.

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