Pampered horse girl
Overrun with beasties
We are wanting to get into be keeping, this is our first time so any tips and knowledge is appreciated. Thanks
There is some good information in past posts in the bee section. I done know much about bees, but I wanted to welcome you to the forum!
Thank you!See if there's a local beekeeping club you can join. They usually have classes, mentors, and loaner extraction equipment. Don't fall for the all natural beekeeping methods that doom beginners to failure. Learn from experienced beekeepers that use traditional equipment and methods, later on you can try different techniques. Since you are in Florida start with the Florida Bee Lab. Excellent information and podcast!
Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences - UF/IFAS
The mission of the Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory (HBREL) is to advance our understanding of managed honey bees in Florida, the U.S., and globally, with a goal of improving the health and productivity of honey bees everywhere. We address this goal by conducting basic and