As long as the lambs are fully dry they will be fine.
It there is wind with the cold... and if it gets below 0F... you might want to tape the ears to the heads
When you go out to check on them, just make sure that they are nursing often and well. If they look at all chilled you can make them a warming box.I have been keeping a close eye on the wind chill. This is the first set of twins to be born. So I’m a little nervous about them.
When you go out to check on them, just make sure that they are nursing often and well. If they look at all chilled you can make them a warming box.
And feel their ear ends, make sure that the ear ends don't get too cold.
For a warming box, you just need a stall corner, or large cardboard box... make a hay nest, and use duct tape to tape up a heating pad on one or 2 walls of the nest. I like using a small fleece easy wash lap blanket as a liner and to hide the heating pad
The heating pad needs to be one with an always on function. I like putting them in a huge freezer ziplock, or use part of a tarp or trash bag. Duct tape it all secure. Duct tape, or use those u bolts or huge u staples to secure the heating pad cord. If it connects to an extention cord, duct tape the connection. You want to make it impossible to get tugged, or for any dust or hay to enter any connection.