Loving the herd life
I think you can train her yourself! Se could turn out to be a wonderful horse. Just leave the halter on and build up trust. Leave her in a stall or round pen where she will easy to catch if you need to. Introduce the goat and her through fence or something so they can't get to each other, but they can see and smell each other. Work with her daily. Leave out one of your dirty jackets or shirts and something you use in the goat often so she can get used to both. Give her time. if you've had horses in the past you know horses. Also YouTube has helped me a lot. Not everything is true, but some things are. Don't spend too much money on a trainer. Maybe a few lesson with her. I would also have a trainer teach you and the horse so you can learn too and don't have to pay 5 times as much as what you need to. They can be expensive! Good luck!