Exploring the pasture
Moved to Rochester about 6 months ago and slowly building our 14 acre farm up. I've always wanted a farm and now that I'm retired military and business owner, I finally found the perfect life partner who wanted the same.
Since moving in with our 2 horses and alpacas, our first addition was three doe goats, half-sisters; laMancha, Toggenburg, and ND crosses, about 1.5 years each, given to us for free by my guy's boss. Rosie is the lead Doe, Lilly is her almost-twin sister, they both have laMancha ears and horns. Daisy is the youngest/smallest with ND ears and horns. They older girls pick on her and thus she has become my underdog favorite. We recently picked up a 4mo buck "Pnut" and then his mom Cookie a week later because she got depressed. They are so cute together! Also lM/TGB/ND crosses, but from a different farm.
Next were Prince George and Princess Kate; peafowl bought for me as a Christmas gift.
. I've had peafowl before and love them to death. So beautiful!
Since then, 2 doe and 2 buck Jersey Giants, received at 8 weeks old. I've never had bunnies before and they sure are cute and cuddly! and HUGE.
We've been building our Chicken Penthouse (100sf of PURE SPOILED ROTTEN) and will have that ready soon for our incoming pullets, poults, goslings and ducklings.
I have been a member of since 2010, anyone else?
Since moving in with our 2 horses and alpacas, our first addition was three doe goats, half-sisters; laMancha, Toggenburg, and ND crosses, about 1.5 years each, given to us for free by my guy's boss. Rosie is the lead Doe, Lilly is her almost-twin sister, they both have laMancha ears and horns. Daisy is the youngest/smallest with ND ears and horns. They older girls pick on her and thus she has become my underdog favorite. We recently picked up a 4mo buck "Pnut" and then his mom Cookie a week later because she got depressed. They are so cute together! Also lM/TGB/ND crosses, but from a different farm.
Next were Prince George and Princess Kate; peafowl bought for me as a Christmas gift.

Since then, 2 doe and 2 buck Jersey Giants, received at 8 weeks old. I've never had bunnies before and they sure are cute and cuddly! and HUGE.
We've been building our Chicken Penthouse (100sf of PURE SPOILED ROTTEN) and will have that ready soon for our incoming pullets, poults, goslings and ducklings.
I have been a member of since 2010, anyone else?