Andrea Powell
Chillin' with the herd
I'm Andrea and I just became a new goat mom! He is a two month old Nigerian Dwarf named Prince Archie. He stays in our house now, but still loves to romp and play in a pen connected to our back porch. Before anyone gets upset about me keeping him indoors, let me explain our situation. Archie was a jumping, screaming, playing little kid, until our neighbor dog began to play a little too rough. I didn't see it happen, but the vet said the the marks that showed up on his rear were definitely teeth marks. It didn't look like much at first. Just a small tooth hold in his left hind. We took him to Cloverhaven in Tupelo MS. She says there is no need to clean the wound, that it will heal on its own, and merely gives us a shot to give him once a day. About five days of this goes by and it is beginning to look much worse. Being furious that she didn't help my poor baby, I took him to another vet in Booneville, MS. The one that ultimately saved his life. When we arrived, his small wound had actually grown. Nearly tripled in size. Mr. Cunningham immediately brought us back into his exam room. As soon as I placed Archie on the table, he realized something was wrong. The previous vet, my fiancé, and I had missed nearly a softball sized wound on his back. His dark hair covered it amazingly well. By now, It had been nearly two weeks since the accident. He shaved his entire backside and had to scrape out nearly two pounds of rotten flesh. WE are now giving him shots very day, ointment, and fly spray. He is healing at a wonderful rate, but if we wouldn't have taken him to Dr. Cunningham, we wouldn't have our goat right now. Please learn from my mistake. If you are in the North Mississippi area, do not go to Cloverhaven in Tupelo. Thank you for reading.