Chillin' with the herd
Hey y'all I'm new to this site I've been reading through everything on here for 2 days now but I'm still not sure about my questions. I have a pygmy doeling that is 9 days old she has a twin brother, my momma doe is a first time mom and when she had them she instantly culled the little girl in assuming 1 because she was a good bit smaller than the boy 2 she was a little weak and also she doesn't seem to produce very much milk I say this because for the first 3 days we tried everything I could to get her to accept her I would gold her still so the lil girl could nurse I would then tie her (She has a collar) so the twins could spend time together and the lil one could spend time with her without her being able to hurt her (She was very aggressive toward the girl with her horns) I even tried rubbing the boys pee on her so she smelled like him and she wasn't having it any ways. She's a bottle baby the weather got to cold and wet to take her to the pen for a few days this week. She started limping 2 days ago on her front leg and has a runny nose but it also sounds kind of stuffy she isn't running a fever I've been checking regularly because I'm terrified she's trying to get pneumonia I did give her 2cc of children's benadryl yesterday to see if that would help she she doesn't have any kind of discharge coming out her nose other then the watery clear stuff.. long story short I'm extremely new to baby goats and I'm just wondering what I should do/watch for with her and should I just take her to the vet? Any advice is greatly appreciated