New Goat Owner.....HELP !!


Loving the herd life
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Kamloops, BC, Canada
i would suggest giving them some time...usually within a week they settle in and quiet down. I also find the bigger the area and more animals usually mean quieter goats... at least in my experience. Except for milkers, they scream if you are 5 mins late because the want their grain NOW!


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
Goats get stressed quite easily and it really messes with their heads and subsequently their bodies when they are uprooted from their herd and placed with new goats at a new home. Your screaming goat will most likely calm down in a day or 2, as he probably is missing his mother and the rest of his herd. It will take a few days for him to get used to his new surroundings and everyone in it. Do everything you can to keep him calm. Consider brushing him, as goats love it and it really calms them down and relaxes them.

Keep in mind that goats are very intelligent and they figure things out quickly, but they can be very weary of the introduction of new things and people to them. It sounds like one of your goats is rather needy right now and the other is still not sure about things. The one that is stand-offish will need time, possibly a couple of weeks, before he will figure out that you aren't going to hurt him. It's a trust issue and it takes time to gain it from most goats. Just start out sitting quietly in the pen area and then suddenly one day he will just come up to you. Keep a few treats in your pocket to give him when he does. Almost all goats adore black oil sunflower seeds and they are very little and make great treats and won't upset their tummies. Avoid giving too many treats, as it can upset the balance in their rumen and cause digestion problems.

As for your yeller, he probably has diarrhea because he's very upset and the stress of being upset has depleted his B vitamins, which are essential to goats for digestion. In addition, It could be that his diet was changed too quickly from what he was eating before you got him and that will give him diarrhea and most likely it's a combination of both things. A goat's diet should be changed gradually so as not to upset his rumen. He probably needs a supplement of B vitamins until things settle down emotionally for him before getting his digestion back to normal. I would certainly ask your vet about it.

I know your situation is stressful at this time, but it sounds like your kids are pretty involved with the goats and will be a big help during this adjustment period. Don't give up, because goats are worth the effort and are fabulously entertaining and downright fun to be around.

At least you've come to the right place for help and there are lots of great people on this forum who are willing to help you with any questions or problems you might encounter as a new goat owner. We're here to help. :frow