Thanks everyone! I am pretty excited about them!
I kind of regret already breeding the nubian to my dwarf.
Yes, the goal was for mini nubians BUT she is so beautiful and she is turning 5 in Jan. I would love to keep a few Nubian does from her.
I could get some of her offspring (2 year old does) but they were not raised with much handling and you can't even get near them.
The does do have beautiful spots that momma passed on but I cannot think they will adapt well and how would we milk them?
1st Gen Mini Nubians also have the dorkiest ears but they are cute! I have someone who wants a doeling if we have one but not sure they understand that ear thing!
In the meantime we are still working on her hooves. They were in bad shape. Actually had to sedate her and work on them. She also had severe hoof mites. It is what it is- I cannot blame the breeder- as the breeder was taking care of an ill parent for 2 years hence the unfriendly does-
The 2nd lamancha that we did not get yet... we will in a few weeks.
She is being treated for parasites ... hope she isn't going to be a parasite problem.
The 2nd doe is unrelated to the first doe so that gives us some flexibility with breeding too.
I will wait til the other doe is here before pulling blood- saves us some $ running 2 at a time instead of 1. Quarantine will be a bit longer for them.
@Southern by choice have you thought about AI for the Nubian and or the lamanchas. i did that years ago and made real progress in my breeding program. i had French alpines at the time and that was back when fairy's and giants ruled the earth. not hard to learn to do or perhaps you could find someone in the area that does AI. just do lots of homework to find the bucks you would like to use and go from there. just be warned, it can be addictive tho, so many bucks to choose from @Baymule, dorpers are great sheep, good choice. i have kathadins and like them real well to. and as far as i am concerned lamanchas are great dairy goats, great personalities and wonderful milk. raised French alpines years ago and they were good goats but i like the lamanchas milk better, all the Nubians I've ever had were good too, milk is good but they can be pretty noisy. never had any of the other breeds but those that have them like them too. i have no experience with the little breeds so you are going to have lots of homework and lots of decisions to make. going to enjoy watching you decide, lol
@goatgurl I did AI years ago (about 30yrs ago I think) on canines. Goats are a little different and I would rather own my boys! LOL
I LOVE MY BUCKS! AI is smart- I just don't want to be the collector- been there done that.
I also like to know what the buck is like- not just "lines".
I am pretty sure I won't be getting the second doe. I want her, yes, but my DD reminded me of something very important.
We have never held the philosophy of buying on lines alone. We always look at the whole goat. In this case the lines are GREAT- but the parasite load was so high for such a young animal and there really wasn't a reason for it to be so high... not something we want. One of the biggest things we focus on is parasite resistance.
A goat can have a perfect udder, great confirmation, high output, titles and lines but if it is a parasite issue than it is a useless goat.
We have enough does at this time and I may retain a few with this seasons kiddings ...
@Southern by choice i so agree on looking at the whole goat but i also look at the lines to kind of hedge my bet on what I'm getting. bought a beautiful doe some years back who had very little parasite resistance and she died of barberpole worms the year after i got her. it happened so fast and none of the other does or the buck were affected. i kept her daughters one of which showed good resistance and one who didn't. the nonresistant went to freezer camp after the first year and the other produced another set of does both of who show much better resistance. it has been a real pia to breed and cull these does. if i had it to do over again i would have left her at the breeders and not fooled with the whole mess.
and with the AI yup I've been the one "holding the bag" when bucks were being collected many long years ago. funny memories... i like the fact that you can add new blood but doing lots and lots of research is so important. not just what a specific doe did but what her mother, aunts, sisters and brothers did and then go look up all that on the sires side too. i loved it while i was doing it but i was big time into showing then. priorities make such a difference