When I started I found someone on Craigslist that was offering classes and selling class members starter hives. I lost that hive after 3 years, but definitely the best bees I have owned.
You might check with the cooperative extension in your area and see if they have classes. You could also post on Craigslist that you would like to apprentice with someone or depending on where you live trade space for a hive for lessons in caring for the hive.
And last but not least there are many sources online. Also a good basic book is Beekeeping for Dummies. And right here too
I have appreciated the information from backyardhive dot com - Corwin Bell. I don't follow his every suggestion, but I like the approach, and I have one top bar hive, new this year. Gold Star Honeybees' Christy Hemenway has been helpful. And I like this site, too.
Local beekeepers associations are good for a number of things - meeting beekeepers, educational programs, that kind of thing.