Nice to see more farmers in NH than politicians for a change!!! We love being first!! But boy o boy do they flood the state in an election..thank goodness my goats dont vote...they'd be posting my barn with signs!!
Someone in NH needs to start a grange of sorts.... where all NH famrers can get together and share learned information, techniques, ideas, etc.
Perhaps even a kid swap!
Start something along the lines of a barter program between us all. If someone has excess of something and needs something else, and say I have what they need and/or need what they have there would be a way to help each other out.
I am only 27, but I miss the Little House On The Prairie days when everyone just helped each other where & when needed....
I live in southern NH!! I am wanting goats for fresh milk. I really got interested in livestock after going to the hopkington fair last year, should have gotten names. Anyone got recommendations for where to get some local goats? Breeds that do well in this climate? Thanks!
Im in Bedford. I have two gals that are due very soon...I will IM you when they are flowing. My standard practice is to let the babies have the milk for a few weeks then I will start stealin some from them!!
I have Toggenburg dairy goats. They are a swiss breed and do great in this cold weather! I will post pics when they deliver. Just keep an eye out.