Range nerd & bovine enthusiast
Brahmans or Zebu are a sub species of cattle, "cousins" to the European Bos taurus. Thus Brahman are Bos indicus. B. taurusand B. indicus are able to interbreed to make fertile offspring (unlike interbreeding horses and donkeys together creating sterile mules), creating breeds like Santa Gertrudis, Beefmasters, Brangus, etc. Like others have said, they are insect resistant as well as heat resistant. This is because they have large humps, long ears and thinner, looser skin that contain sweat glands (unlike their European cousins) that enable them to withstand hot, humid southern temperatures that would make the European breeds hide in the shade or in the ponds all day instead of being out and grazing.FamilyBurger said:What is a Brahma?
I know it's a cow, but I've never heard of one.
Brahmans don't just come in white. They can also be found to be red, grey, dun and almost black. Not all Brahman come in horned, you can find polled Brahman cattle like finding polled Herefords or polled Red Polls.