Herd Master
By the looks of things all of your sheep are wooled which means they are likely seasonal breeders. That means you likely will not have any serious breeding until Fall 2019 so the little ram has plenty of time to grow.
Non-seasonal breeders are Dorset, Rambouillet, Merino, Finnsheep, Romanov, Karakul, and hair sheep. Polypay are also less seasonal so can be bred "out" of season sometimes.
Until he is out of the "lamb" stage I would keep him separated but able to see the ewes. Really you should have two lambs but i know that might not be possible.
Non-seasonal breeders are Dorset, Rambouillet, Merino, Finnsheep, Romanov, Karakul, and hair sheep. Polypay are also less seasonal so can be bred "out" of season sometimes.
Until he is out of the "lamb" stage I would keep him separated but able to see the ewes. Really you should have two lambs but i know that might not be possible.