It's not like chickens, whose poop is "hot" so high in nitrogen that it burns plants and stinks. I think with the buns, just on dirt would be OK and giving them fresh grass or hay would be a bonus. I guess if you could put up a small fence enclosure around the area you could let them out to free range a bit while observed... Again, don't know, just offering thoughts/ideas. I'll now introduce you over to some of our more esteemed and knowledgeable Rabbiteers!
@samssimonsays @Bunnylady @LukeMeister @Shorty @Hens and Roos @promiseacres and the list goes on! there are quite a few! Again, welcome!
@samssimonsays @Bunnylady @LukeMeister @Shorty @Hens and Roos @promiseacres and the list goes on! there are quite a few! Again, welcome!