So I guess I'll introduce myself, Sherry from Maine. Currently, researching homesteading and goats at this time. Finally convinced my husband to sell our home (hopefully in April put it on the market) and then buy land or a small house with land. Currently we live in the country with only one acre of land, not enough for what I would like to do. We have lived here 19 yrs so it is a hard decision, harder for my husband. So my goal is to be as self sufficient as we can but still have electricity and water. (hopefully solar someday). My son loves goat milk so we decided to start with goats (two does- thinking we are going to go with nigerian dwarfs) and gardens. My son has already designed the barn that we plan to make out of pallets. We will add chickens (we raised chickens on our acre for a few years). Since I'm just in the information stage of all of this, I'll be kind of quiet and just observing. I may have lots of questions too. So just saying "hi".