New member here in South Central Missouri


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It gives me another avenue of sales. I will be able to sell the best for breeding stock, raise a few for friends that want to buy the meat and take the rest to auction.

Just because a sheep is from registered parents, doesn’t mean they ALL are going to be super fantastic animals. Some will be super fantastic. Some will be mediocre and some are just not good enough.

On ram lambs, most people only need one ram. I’ve got 40 lambs, about half ewes, half rams. General consensus is rams go to auction. The top few get offered up for sale.
I have a gorgeous red ram lamb, with white markings, but he’s just not impressing me. He’s 2 1/2 months old, from good bloodlines, both parents are in that super fantastic range, his twin sister is impressing me, but it doesn’t look like he’s going to make the cut. I won’t waste the registration fee on him, he will go to auction.

Breeding rams need to be the very best. They are half of the flock. Every lamb born is half him, half the ewe. Even a mediocre ewe is ok, bred to a good ram, the lambs can be raised for slaughter or go to auction.

So I can sell registered breeding stock, sell commercial (unregistered) sell at auction, sell some for slaughter or put in my own freezer.

Feel free to ask anything you want to know. How else will you learn? I’m glad to help and everyone else here is too.


Chillin' with the herd
Feb 23, 2025
Reaction score
Yes, normal behavior. My Anatolian male has just become a fantastic lambing guardian. He turned 2 in September, before that newborns confused him and he barked at them. Lambing started in November and he didn’t bark. He finally gets it! He guards the ewe giving birth, even from the other ewes.

I had one, Sentry, R.I.P. that stole newborns with deadly results. Couldn’t let him be with ewes giving birth. After lambs were up, dried off and nursing, he would defend with his life. Just that one little thing……

Your dog is exhibiting instinctive behavior and it is good. Praise him. Anatolians are very sensitive to your moods. Give excessive praise and lots of petting, it’s what he loves for.
Hello, so now my female Great Pyrenees just chewed the ears of a lamb born on 3/6/25. She was spayed on 3/7/25, don't know if that has something to do with it or not. I suspect she did it to another lamb but didn't catch her in the act. She is 1 year old. Is this normal, and what do we do? We have separated her from the herd and our other LGD? Any help or guidance is appreciated. We are unfortunately "winging it".