Well Nicholas is doing great! He is a very smart boy and already wants to be with the goats and chickens. Hes so little though we cant leave him out alone. This does worry me a little because he is getting attatched to us, but we have no other choice. Hes small enough that a hawk or owl would love to scoop him up. So until he grows a little more he will spend his time with us or in a crate with the chicks we have in the work shop. Though if Im being honest, hes not in the crate much. Last night he spent the night in the house
This is Nicholas snuggled up on the couch with me and Bella the Chiuaua.
Bad habits I know I know, but he will be outside soon enough and hes already training. I was leaving him in the feed room at night to sleep in the hay but yesterday morning
I went to get him and he was gone. I found him over at the gate to the goat pen standing gaurd. I couldnt believe it. Hes so little. Some how he pushed the door open and out he went. So no more sleeping in the feed room until hes a little bigger.
you are absolutely doing the right thing letting him sleep in the house for now. He is WAY too young to be alone. don't worry if he bonds to you....the livestock bond can wait until he's a bit older. He will be fine.
Caroinagirl your anatolian in the picture is absoluty beautiful. We had one for a while but she started killing chickens and we couldnt keep her in with the goats any longer she kept climbing out. She finally had to find a new home after she killed my slate turkey hen. It broke my heart to part with her but she found a great home with a vet tech that has goats but no fowl and guardian dog experiance. She actually lives across the street now.
Blue Dog Farms
I agree with carolinagirl; guarding can wait. You doing human thing right now.
This dog will remember your love to him.
He will be guardian one day (don't worry), because his instinct will force him to do it.
I had my baby-pyr at home for the first weeks and he did grow out of it.
His biological drive pushed him outside to do what he was intended for.