Yes you can use ivermec and Sulfadimethoxine at the same time. As far as the infection question..... A temp of 105 is when I start to get concerned, the Sulfadimethoxine properly dosed will work for the cocci and the slight respiratory infection. What type of Sulfadimethoxine do you have? I prefer the 40% liquid, or mixing the powder to get to a 40%, then drench it. You can find dosages on the meds list on my blog.Willow2009 said:Thanks for the replies .
They've not been vaccinated or dewormed , nor had their hooves trimmed which was desperately needed .
It's been the hottest it's been this year hear but that's about 80 .
He's not much better today but not any worse either . Although he did have a bit of eye gunk in his left eye .
Still eating , drinking and pooping normally . Gums and eye lids look healthy . He's still moving around but is sluggish and a little out of it . His brother is acting totally normal and I should add he was the spunkier of the two before this which is why I'm so concerned . His temp was high 104.9 last night , and 104.6 today , I dosed him with some aspirin . He wants to lay out in the sun but I've been trying to keep him in the shade the best I can .
I can't get to a vet to get a fecal done .
Can you use Invermecin at the same time with Sulfathimenthoxine ? For treating worms and Coccidia ?
Or with the fever and eye goop (not excessive but a bit of greeny crusty stuff) be a indication of infection ? How would I treat that .