New rabbit sneezing


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
I just culled 2 does who arrived today. One was sneezing consistently, had bit of a runny eye & had a wheeze, I examined her thoroughly & suspected early snuffles. Her & her companion were culled within 12 hours of arrival from someone who no longer wanted them.
I'm now concerned about my herd. I have 12 8 week old kits, a doe & a buck in perfect health currently. I don't want to lose them to a disease outbreak. Unfortunately I wasn't as vigilant as I should have been & the buck, 3 kits & the doe were in indirect contact with the 2 new does.

I've bleached & disinfected down the hutch & run the 2 does were in & separated the doe & kits. The 2 does bodies I slung away from my property for the local foxes. I've even boil washed my clothes after changing them 3 times :D =D & washed my hands probably too many times.

But how exactly is snuffles spread & what are the chance my rabbits may pick it up if it was snuffles?

I'm keeping for meat, so I couldn't afford to run any risks :\ everything I read about it said it just wasn't worth the risk.


Loving the herd life
May 20, 2009
Reaction score
Snuffles or pastuella in rabbits is airborne and, I would imagine, could be passed nose to nose. I don't know what the chances are that your rabbits picked it up or not. Sounds like you did what you could.

Honestly, I'd be ticked off if I were in your shoes. Hey, I HAVE been in your shoes before. You have my sympathies and best wishes that your herd comes out of this okay.

I also hope you give that person, who so generously exposed your herd to her sick rabbits that she should have culled herself, an earful. At the very least, do tell them exactly what happened and about the danger she exposed your herd to.

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