New Rex Rabbit


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
I got a male baby Rex this weekend. He will be for a pet only. Would it be best to have him neutered?
I've been holding/petting him for about 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. Is this enough to make/keep him tame?
He is not excited about being picked up, but once I'm holding him, he seems to enjoy it.


Chillin' with the herd
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Central Kansas
I work with a local Humane Society who spays/neuters all their rabbits, from the information I have gathered (not just from work but real life experience as well) Neutering can help some behavior issues, although it is not a guarantee. Right now in fact I have a young (under a year) neutered (i had his surgery done so I know it happened) holland lop rabbit that I had rehomed as a rescue. He is back with me due to behavior issues. He doesnt like to be held, or picked up and seems to have some territorial issues. It has gotten to the point he is biting. So neutering isnt always a guarantee for behavior. However I am wondering if the lady that I rehomed him to is being completely honest with me on amount of time she is spending with him. It does help with spraying, and some cancers. I have seen information that says a neutered rabbit lives a longer life. On the other side of that I have a young adult herd buck (satin) who even before being bred is the sweetest thing, he is always up for pettings, doesnt mind being held, likes to get head scratches and not once has offered to be aggressive even when breeding.

As far as the surgery itself goes, neutering a rabbit is a bit different than doing say a dog or a cat, and can be more dangerous for the rabbit due to (i believe) the rabbits reaction to medications and due to the fact a rabbit is a prey animal and can easily stress themselves to death (and lets face it, a vet trip and a surgery are stressful events for anyone).

If I were you, what I would do is first start off looking for a rabbit savvy vet in your area. Most normal vets dont have experience with rabbits as a general and even less with a neuter surgery. I would be cautious of a vet who says they can do it, but havent ever done it before. Find out as much as you can about their rabbit experience and their prices. I have heard that some vets for a rabbit surgery charge upwards of a couple of hundred dollars.

As far as handling him, if you can keep that up I dont see you having a problem with him. Alot of "taming" an animal is repetition, and getting them comfortable with a routine. If the rabbit knows that when a human comes to his cage, and gives him yummy things to eat, and pets him on the head, and picks him up and snuggles him, and nothing bad happens to him, this will become a positive experience for the rabbit and one that he enjoys. It will also mean that he reacts in a positive manner, such as not biting and scratching lol. I think if he is doing well at this point, isnt showing signs of spraying (or you can protect the area he is in, just in case) and he has a good personality, neutering isnt a necessity. But I still think you should check your area for vets and see what price range your looking at and if you will have to travel to find a rabbit savvy vet.

ETA : Oh btw, he is beautiful. I love that color and I am a fan of the rex fur!


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
hes identical to my rex buck, love the Bkn Chocolatte lol