New to goats could my Pygmy be in pre labor?


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 15, 2013
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Alrighty then, that went WAY better than expected! So I do believe I found where the ligaments are!! I do have a question. I felt Niya and I can only feel it on one side of her what is that about?

*** I felt both sides again and felt my other doe and buck .... YAY!!! I found them for sure!! :celebrate they are a lot thinner on Niya than the others! Sorry I get excited of the dumbest things. I will keep checking them and update when they are gone :) thanks everyone!!

TigerLily Trail Ranch

Overrun with beasties
Nov 30, 2010
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Albuqerque, NM
Welcome to my world lol! I stress & stress...& stress & frequently check my does & get excited over that stuff to lol :p. I admit im a worrier :rolleyes:. Anyways congrats on finding the ligs! If you only find one its probably just her ;). Keep practicing :D.


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 15, 2013
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I am just glad that I finally learned to check them lol. I called the "breeders" ( I use that term loosely) I got my other doe and this buck from and boy was she nasty! She told me my doe was not pregnant and that she was in heat if the buck is going after her. Then stated that she does not know how I treat my goats :somad nice words were not running through my head! I got them from shergren farms in south florida and when I got them they were infested with lice and I mean infested and to boot they say they were "full grown minis" :lol: yeah..... as soon as I fed them they grew! A LOT. I let them free roam all day on acres of land with grass and brush galore and feed the pellets every night and they get their treats and everything! Now this woman who says she has been breeding for 14 years said she has never has any buck behave like that and that does do NOT lose their plug a month to weeks prior to kidding, they lose it and they are in labor immediately *facepalm* I am so new to goats but even I know that is not true. Well, my original call to this less than intelligent woman was to ask if she knew if my buck would continue this behavior after she kids or should I just get him cut but she was more bent on be a nasty person than being helpful and it's not like I called trying to return them. I wish I would have bought my goats from a decent breeder! :he


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
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NE Ohio
Sorry the seller was not that nice...

I don't have goats but I got sheep this spring, and I was on 'baby watch' for three weeks with one of mine - I soooo know what you are going through! Every time she pawed the ground, or laid down, or stretched, or stood differently, or leaned against something, or turned her head to look at her belly... whether she ate like normal or had less of an appetite... her udder, her vulva (never did figure out the tail ligament thing, but she wasn't keen on being handled that much yet anyway), whether she was more round, or less round, or looked like she had 'dropped' - as the weeks went on it was all I could think about! There were times I swear she was having contractions, then a few hours later she'd be calmly munching in the pasture as usual. :barnie

I got through it and you will too, it sounds like she is close. Is the other doe in heat - maybe that's why the buck is being bratty? Hopefully someone who knows bucks will chime in on how they usually act around kids, or some tips on how to deal with yours.

Good luck!


Chillin' with the herd
Jun 8, 2013
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Isn't it lovely to talk to someone who has no clue about goats (weather she kept them around for 14 years or not)! I assume that's why she was so nasty on the phone. People like that really make my skin crawl!! Anyhoo, Buyer Beware!! It's ok honey :hugs don't let that nasty mean old goat lady get to you. It's sad when newbies like us know more than someone that is so "experienced" on the subject. I have learned so much just from being on this form and reading everyone's personal experience. Those goats are lucky to have such a caring mom like you to take them home and clean them up and take better care of them! Now they will know what real love and care is. :thumbsup


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 15, 2013
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norseofcourse said:
Sorry the seller was not that nice...

I don't have goats but I got sheep this spring, and I was on 'baby watch' for three weeks with one of mine - I soooo know what you are going through! Every time she pawed the ground, or laid down, or stretched, or stood differently, or leaned against something, or turned her head to look at her belly... whether she ate like normal or had less of an appetite... her udder, her vulva (never did figure out the tail ligament thing, but she wasn't keen on being handled that much yet anyway), whether she was more round, or less round, or looked like she had 'dropped' - as the weeks went on it was all I could think about! There were times I swear she was having contractions, then a few hours later she'd be calmly munching in the pasture as usual. :barnie

I got through it and you will too, it sounds like she is close. Is the other doe in heat - maybe that's why the buck is being bratty? Hopefully someone who knows bucks will chime in on how they usually act around kids, or some tips on how to deal with yours.

Good luck!
Thats me lol I swear I see a contraction and then .....nothing. I think she is close and when I spoke to a woman in WA who is pretty darn on point with goats said she believes that my buck is reacting to hormones she is putting off from being close to kidding. It makes sense because he started this nonsense the night she started hers. My other doe is pregnant by him and due to kid at the end of August. I called the vet and he is coming out next week to fix him. I would LOVE to keep him as a buck but he is too insane and I don't want anyone hurt. I know kidding will eventually happen but it would be better if I knew the conception time. Knowing I am not the only one does make me feel a lot better though! I have really slowed down on checking her and in turn I am a wee bit more relaxed :) thank you so much


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 15, 2013
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Moonshine said:
Isn't it lovely to talk to someone who has no clue about goats (weather she kept them around for 14 years or not)! I assume that's why she was so nasty on the phone. People like that really make my skin crawl!! Anyhoo, Buyer Beware!! It's ok honey :hugs don't let that nasty mean old goat lady get to you. It's sad when newbies like us know more than someone that is so "experienced" on the subject. I have learned so much just from being on this form and reading everyone's personal experience. Those goats are lucky to have such a caring mom like you to take them home and clean them up and take better care of them! Now they will know what real love and care is. :thumbsup
OMG I was raging mad! It's funny because I had a friend buy their mini donkey and mini horse and they too were totally infested with lice . She shaved them down and cleaned their scabs. These people sold us both very small animals as "minis" but it seems they were starving them to keep them small because the moment we fed them they grew so much! I do love my goats even the PITA buck lol . When I got my goats I did a lot of research on them, I didn't want them to have health problems and me not realize it . To think of all the hours I have spent of reading about does in pre labor and labor , and for me to know one small fact and for that 14 year "breeder"( again I use that term loosely) tell me it's not true doesn't say much about her as a "breeder" . You are 100% right as a newbie I have learned a ton of information on goats! It's amazing how different they are and I am soooooo thankful there are forums like this one! It's always great to relate to others and in the event that I get more goats I will def find a good breeder! I thank you so much for your kind words :hugs it's amazing to have people like you all to talk with!! AHHHH! I can't wait to post baby pics!! :)


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 15, 2013
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This is "scape" my buck i love his ears and I am hoping maybe his kid(s) has similar markings. He is all white except the tribal tattoo looking markings on his ears. These pics don't do those ears justice



Chillin' with the herd
Jun 8, 2013
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Those are some really cool ears! Yes I have learned a lot and in reference to the subject, all does are different! Some have mucus for a month-two weeks before kidding. Some show no signs and just bam drop a baby. Its just sad when ignorant people want to argue about something like that when goats are so much like people (in my opinion) and every one of them are different and kid differently. Its helped me to understand there's no right or wrong (except for when someone isn't taking care of their animals at all) or happy medium but just a broad spectrum of madness when it comes to goats!


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
I would really love to see a better picture of the does udder. The pic you showed with the discharge was not a very good view of the does udder, but it to me looked tiny. No where even close to kidding.

Different animals udders develop diffrentlly, this is true. But, they still have something there.

Don't want to hijack your thread. But this first picture is what I consider a doe who's udder developed early. She was a month away from kidding.


I took this picture of Cookie today. I know when she was bred and she is due in 2 weeks. I consider this to be a late developing udder.


This is Coco. Her 147 day due date is tommorrow. This is also late development. Her udder looked exactly like Cookies 36 hours ago.
One lig was gone this morning, the other was soft. We barely got her in the kidding stall this afternoon before she had twins.



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