Pastor Dave
Herd Master
One other thing just struck me from looking at the pic again. The chicken wire used for the floor is not good for rabbit feet. They need a mesh that is 1/2"x1". You don't want to cut their feet.
If they start digging holes around the edges, maybe. But I put the mesh on the outside of the cage along the bottom (mine are mobile so the can mow/fertilize our lawn) so they can't walk on it and hurt their feet.I have a few follow-up questions on the cages for you guys, please. I have been contemplating and googling hutch plans. I went to the farm supply store today to figure out what was available quickly. I found the 1/2"x1" mesh that @Pastor Dave recommended. I also read on another thread where you guys use 1"x1" and 1"x2" for the sides and top, you recommend staying away from wooden hutches, and @Pastor Dave even gave some great information on the dimensions. I'm deeply indebted for all the knowledge. My questions are:
1) Will you share some pictures of a recommended setup, or what works best for you?
2) How do you guys deal with the poop issue? I have a garden and would love to put it to use. I have seen pictures where people guide it into a gutter or PVC pipe. Any opinions?
3) I've been told they need a constant supply of hay. Should hay just be laid out in the cage or do they have mini-mangers (that probably sounds stupid, but I gotta ask)?
4) Can they be kept in the same area (not same pen, but maybe same barn just separated)? I've read that chickens have certain bacteria by nature that can be bad for rabbits, but I don't know what to believe and not believe.
5) @LukeMeister talked about runs.... Do the runs need a mesh bottom so they don't burrow? Or will the runs need to be built off the ground (more questions that sound stupid even as I type them, but I just want to make as few mistakes as possible from the get go)?