Loving the herd life
Sometimes you won't realize a doe is in heat until it sees and smells a buck. If she was not receptive she would not have stood for him. If your 7 month old turns out to be pregnant don't worry. As long as she is 3/4ths of her adult size she will be fine. I breed mine around 8 months and my last one was bred at 6 months old. Not on purpose but every thing turned out. Naughty buck. He kept letting my girls out of their pasture. He has a way of doing that.Yes, we just borrowed a buck from the girl we bought our goats from. Hoping for spring babies, when it isn’t too cold and not very hot yet. We had planned to keep him for three weeks as I’m not quite sure when she goes into heat. As soon as we brought him in the barn they mated three times in the first 5 minutes. Maybe she was in heat already? The next day she had no interest in him. I was going to keep him for the full three weeks just to be sure but somehow no matter how we arrange it they manage to bust open the stall with our wether and doeling in it. She’s only 7 months old so I didn’t want her to get pregnant until May but it might be too late for that. Trying to keep them separated has been very challenging so I might take him back early.