

Exploring the pasture
Jan 9, 2012
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EllieMay said:
Welcome, Jeremy!

Enjoy your chickens. I started off with 25 chickens; now I'm approaching 100!

What kind of livestock are you thinking about getting?? We'll be getting some Katahdin sheep this Spring.

We are enjoying our chickens very much. We have a 17 month old son who loves going to see the chickens! We aren't really sure what type of livestock we want to get. Whatever we get, they will be for meat and maybe milk as well. We love beef, but cows get big... That makes butchering, processing, and preserving more labor intensive. We haven't ever had goat meat. We have friends that keep goats for meat. They are going to let us have some next time they butcher a few up so we can try it. We have had lamb once. My wife liked it but said it was strong flavored. I know the land also has alot to do with it as well. We have 10 acres in west texas. Very sandy soil with some weeds and misquite bushes on it. You can tell we are definitely still in the "thinking about it" stage. Still trying to get used to the chicks. It will probably be a year or 2 before we get any livestock... which is why I am starting to research now!