
Barnacle Bill

Just born
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
I have a gilt that I thought was due last Thursday! She is very large and getting a bit cranky with the other ones. I had got a bail of straw for her to farrow in a old single horse stall about 12'x12' but she doesn't seem to like it. I have her who will be one year old next month, a boar who will be a year in August and two little ones who are about 6 months old. They enjoy about a 1/4 acre or so. I'm planing on confining her to the single stall when the time comes.

My father-in-law suggested that I build a shelf around the perimeter of the stall so that she couldn't lay up against the wall and if she sat on a piglet it could wiggle free, theoretically. The pigs currently use a hanging chicken waterer which they seem to love as it is on a gravity float that lets then get lots of fresh water and make a little mud hole to wallow in. I do have a pig water nipple I just installed last week and they are sorta getting the idea. We are in South East Florida and it is getting rather hot down here. This is my first round of breeding and any help is much appreciated. My questions are as follows:

How do I know when she is getting ready to farrow?
What if anything do I need to do/keep an eye out for?
When should I separate her from the rest?
What would the ideal watering system be for the stall?
Any special diet?
Should I let her wallow in a mud hole?