Herd Master
23 here this morning! “We’re havin’ a heat waaavvve, A tropical heat wwwaaavvve…”"COOL" 7 degrees overnight... Sun is out and it is up to about 18.... Whooptydo....
Heading to get the stove in a little bit...
It was 19° here at 6:30 this morning...23 here this morning! “We’re havin’ a heat waaavvve, A tropical heat wwwaaavvve…”
"COOL" 7 degrees overnight... Sun is out and it is up to about 18.... Whooptydo....
Heading to get the stove in a little bit...
PrayersGot down to 20° again.
Dh had a rough night, no sleep, tossed and turned and talked.
I'm waiting for the nurse to arrive. Coffee helping.
Use pipe wrenches - the teeth will hold it so you can put extra pressure on turning it.I cannot get the fitting loose on the one in the house so have to get a pair of locking pliers because the ones I had handy were not, and slipped... Need 2 pair to hold both sides to get it unscrewed.