Thanks for sharing! Boring us? Really? I'm pretty certain that your success and the pics to prove it will be an immense help to someone else down the road! Imagine the hope you will have given them when they see that they too might be able to help and save a future kid with this same issue! You've done a good service! I hope you'll continue to update on that pretty little girl over time... I don't know about others, but I love the follow up stories from successes.
Now I wish I could remember who it was that had a goat with (what I believe and the vet thought was) polio.... I'd really like to know if the goat recovered with the treatment. Might have to back scan my posts to find them...
Now I wish I could remember who it was that had a goat with (what I believe and the vet thought was) polio.... I'd really like to know if the goat recovered with the treatment. Might have to back scan my posts to find them...