I've used SMZ for cocci in goat in past & was going to suggest that for the mini as I know it's a drug they can have.
Great that he's doing well!!!
UlcerGard is great, just don't stop too soon. We're talking 30 days full dose & 30 1/2 dose, normally. Your vet will advise but, that's what I've seen in past. Remember the pkg will dose for full-size horse but, by weight you use less for mini.
You are a wonderful person for taking this little guy in and working so hard to bring him back to health. I am sure he has figured out that he has fallen into the home of a lifetime.
I'm the agreeable sort, so yes, I agree we need pics! Can we get a status report also? How's he doing now? Is he still showing continued signs of recovery?
Unfortunately our little fighter did not make it through the night last night. He had been making huge progress but this morning he was laying in his stall and he was gone.