Grats! That sounds like a really good mix. They ought to be extra sturdy/hardy. Everyone needs friends like yours! Free pigs, free stud service... life is good!
Yup! Well he's just happy to have someone feed his boars for a while. I have other friends that would do free stud service on goats too but they live a little too far away. We've met some cool people. And some bad ones too. But we sort them out quickly.
Piggies are here but it's dark so pictures will have to wait until tomorrow. My big pigs are not impressed to see that more piglets are moving in. The new piggies and Washington are getting along famously. You would think they had been together all along. They may remember each other, their moms are best friends! Haha
So the other day I went to go in the house and the door handle was locked. We never lock it and don't even know where to key is. A half hour later my husband manages to break in and I give my 3 year old a lecture about not messing with the door, etc.
Tonight after the pigs got here and I went to come in to give my daughter a bath the door was locked again. Except my husband was the last one in the house. Apparently our door hates us. This time he had to break the handle to get in. But luckily he is a hoarder and had a door in the yard someone gave him when they replaced it along with the keys. So we have a new one already.
That and worked on more fencing today. Fencing is my life. Ugh.