Haha! That is SO illegal! We can't even get eastern wild turkeys from the hatchery in NH, and the Fish and Game officer who lives up the road would not like me very much! We'll definitely take our revenge during hunting season though!
Yah, game laws can be so pesky!
It shouldn't matter to them if you kill it or domesticated it. Oh well, good luck in Turkey season, when is it there April?
Probably no laws against making a turkey friendly environment though. And if your turkeys happen to have a play date with the wild turkeys? Well, those things happen.
Actually one of the primary reasons we don't free range is because of the huge number of wild turkeys and the huge amount of issues we could stumble upon. DH believes if our turkeys intermingled with wild ones we could have our herd destroyed. He knows someone this happened to.
Plus the wild toms are way bigger and tougher than my tom. It would not be good.
All this talk of turkey made me go to our counties web site. This is from their write-up about turkeys in the area.
We have a bunch around our place but they have been scarce since we got here permanently probably because of our pack of dogs.
From the web site (just a bit of trivia about this part of the state):
In Giles County, it’s always time to talk turkey.
The community prides itself as the Turkey Capital of Tennessee, a distinction it is hoping to formalize, and it has the wild bird population and the events to back its case.
In April, during the second week of hunting season, Giles County is the home base for the annual Governor’s One-Shot Turkey Hunt, a five-county event that attracts hunters from all over Tennessee. These hunters, accompanied by a local guide, are taken out to sites in Giles, Lawrence, Lincoln, Marshall and Maury counties with the goal of bagging a turkey with a single shot.
Finding their prey is never a problem. “Those five counties have the largest flock anywhere in the Southeast,” says John Allred, event co-chairman.
It must be awesome to make your own maple syrup. I love the stuff, but a small bottle of it is $8 and seriously, I think I could use the whole bottle on one stack of pancakes...... but I don't