Haha I'm thinking it's not going to happen. But maybe.... He is supposed to butcher chickens this week and I have a feeling the guy is going to show up today and ask if he can do it tomorrow. Good old boys don't use phones... They just show up.
Then he has to work all weekend so it may be Monday. Not to mention we still have the other pig here that isn't even ours
Well I'll tell ya....down here that not using a phone and just showing up...would Fly about as high as that Pig that ain't yours....Good old boy or not...LOL!!...it wouldn't take but a couple of times for him to 'Get the Picture'....not even family does that here....was taught that from an early age...tell the ones that are getting the pig that after a certain day your going to start charging a pen Fee and for its Food....or sell it to the first with the Cash...there is a Line between Nice and being 'Taken Advantage Of'....and they are very Close to it.
Well I would agree with doing that but my husband is way nicer than I am. I am hoping he finally gets on his case today.
I don't mind these kind of drop ins, it's when my in-laws drop in that bothers me. Because they expect to be entertained. I was called nasty names by my sister in law because they showed up unannounced when my daughter was a baby and I refused to wake her up from a nap so they could see her. Nice people.
Well we all have those kind of days....ugh!!....if you have some roasted unsalted almonds you can eat about 12-15 of them and it will help with the headache...there is a natural enzyme in them that will ease those things....hope ya get some Relief!!