I saw an interesting little blurb on the weather channel earlier today. Mammoth Mnt in the CA sierras has received over 530 inches of snow this past winter season... like 44+ feet, and still has over 14' of snow at the summit. I can't even imagine. They also said that the CA drought is officially over for at least this season. As an aside they said that NE Maine (Caribou) has had several feet more than normal this past season, is still expecting more before "spring" arrives, and still has over 15" on the ground.
Hey, I'm alive! I've been super busy and haven't been online much at all. We got up to 83 yesterday! That was a shock to the system! Supposed to have rain today. Our drought has been seriously reduced by all the snow, and now rain.
We had a multiple hour power outage this weekend and I am nervous about my turkey eggs in the incubator. Fortunately, the turkeys are still laying beautifully so we can try again if not. It would just mess up my time frame.
Chickens are free ranging now, I'm letting them eat bugs (hopefully ticks!) and I am getting 6-8 eggs a day out of my 8 hens. My NH's still aren't laying. I'm letting them free range, as of yesterday, and they're kind of hanging out near the other birds but not getting too close. No major battles though.
I need to start my seeds this week. The first doe I was waiting on a buckling from had twin does. The second one was due Sunday. Doe code!
Glad to hear from ya, was just wondering, was afraid something had happened....glad ya was just Busy. Sounds like ya have things moving along. Hope ya didn't lose the eggs, sorry about the buck...but there'll be others....
Also gearing up to butcher a pig hopefully in the next few days. Only butchering session (that I know of) until late summer or fall. He'll mostly be sausage. I don't make many roasts, etc. in summer.
Finally almost clear of snow. So we are starting yard cleanup. Not thawed out enough to move fence posts though.
There is a family of moose hanging around nearby. DH saw them last night in the yard!
You should have had rain last night! I went to Northampton yesterday. Dry on the way back up until a few miles from the 91 -> 89 change. Saw some lightning from 10 miles back. SUPER gusty coming up to 89. I waved in your general direction but don't know if you noticed It was 88° in Northampton. I gather it got to about 80° here. And just 3 weeks ago we had a 2'+ snowfall followed by a 1' the next week. No snow to be seen now!
We did have a major downpour but no thunderstorm. Then rained all day today, well until about 4. So much water everywhere, the stream is running beautifully! Love it, after the drought last year I am very happy. The chickens were out all day in the rain. The goats, not so much.
Two nice days coming up now in the 50's, then rain again this weekend. I'll get some outside work done, then this weekend it will rain and I can clean my house. Which will no doubt be covered in mud (thanks dogs).
Pulled a tick off my daughter tonight. I HATE TICKS! None on the dogs yet, but I guess I better go to TSC for their Frontline (or whatever it is, can't keep the names straight).
Moose are some pretty Large animals to be staring at....
I bet that'll get the leg to Shakin'....breathin' fairly quickly too. Those blame ticks are gonna be terrible here, gotta get the birds out really soon.
Hope your Harvesting goes well for ya!...