We have started powdering ours down with DE and I have sprinkled it in and around their house. I guess it is working, there are less flies and gnats, and they are scratching less. We are going to do it around the bird house too.
Bahaha no it's Peppermint, but I might need to change it! I call her Peppy. Her sister's name is Patty. My husband has no idea which name belongs to which goat. Apparently those are confusing names, lol!
I think it's the alpine in her that makes her nutso. My Nigies prefer to go under the fence!
Holy exhausted. My parents took me and my daughter shopping today. Me, for my birthday (apparently my mother felt I needed some non-farm, non- stay at home mom clothes (who needs pants that button anyway?) So after the mall (I found some decent clothes), we went to Sams club and halfway through they pointed over at the 2 wheel wheelbarrows and told me that's why they brought us there, to get me a wheelbarrow. This thing is AWESOME! It even has cupholders! Now this is a farm girl birthday present! Lol! I almost want to clean the chicken coop now!!
Oh and brought the kiddo to Build a Bear. Holy moly... Sticker shock! But the girl is SO HAPPY!
Back to"real" life tomorrow, miss a day here and it throws me all off. DH is finishing cutting up our pig now and it'll be in the freezer tomorrow (have to let the sausage seasoning rest overnight).
Oh, and I found the Blue Seal store down there, which is right near Sams, so I'm going to call for feed prices this week and my mom and I might start doing monthly or at least bi-monthly runs for feed and bulk groceries. I assume it'll be cheaper to get fees direct from them, just not sure how much cheaper.
Happy Birthday, and the wheelbarrow was a great gift! Not sure about the cupholders, though.. my aim isn't aways the greatest when I toss manure in the wheelbarrow