Congrats on your talking turkey egg! I'm expecting little chirping chicks Tuesday or Wednesday morning (depending on when the PO gets them). Unfortunately my broody Fav that was glued onto the plastic eggs in the nest box is NOT sitting on the plastic eggs in the brooder space Can't raise chicks in a 12" x 16" nest box 2' off the floor!
Guess I need to make a frame for the Mama Heating Pad cave. Last time I just faked it since the chicks were only using it for a day and a half until they got shoved under Zorra. The best laid plans of mice and me.
Calculated back in January about when I should have at least 1 broody.
Ordered chicks to come then.
GOT 1 broody right on time
and now .... just a POed hen because she can't get to the nest box.
Haha! Tell me about this brooder cave you use. We have a big metal brooder, like the ones the feed stores use when they get shipments of chicks. It works well and no heat lamp, but we have some issues with the wire floor.
My chicks come next week so I'll have even more chirping!
I have a question for you. I'm building a box for the two young turkeys we have and would like to know what size I should make the door. It may not work long term but all the 4-7 week old chickens are using the 7 week old turkeys as their mothers. We are trying to figure out a way to give the turkeys their own bedding house but still gi e them access to the chicks (which they seem to like)
Aw that's cute, and I also have no clue. Gotta go ask the husband...
Do you know if blackhead is prevalent there? It is a concern in some places. Chickens can carry it with no symptoms and it can kill turkeys. No personal experience (it's not typically an issue here), just passing that along! I keep mine separate but not because of blackhead.
I have a dark Cornish hen that has been trying for a week to set on a nest of eggs so I took the 1 plastic egg she treasured out from under her and gave her 10 bright shiny duck eggs today. we'll see just how dedicated she is to setting. i just love the peeps from eggs. if you talk to them they will recognize your voice when they hatch.