Nigerian goat feed questions for soon to be owner if the info needed is found


Herd lurker
Jun 29, 2014
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I need to know apx. how many flakes of hay a day one nigherian dawf doe needs in one day when she not pregnat and when shes' pregnent?
What knid of hay is best?
How much water does goat go through a day?
How much grain is the maximum before bloting?
How much pellet feed would be needed a day if not using hay?
Can pellet feed and hay be used together or would it be best to feed on different days?
My parents will let me get two nigerian dawf goat doelings if i can find the answer to nutritional questions. Yes i already know i have to get a mineral block, and that goats can be expensive but i have wanted one since i was little and need this info before my parents will start helping gather materials. Any extra info you can give me would also be very helpful. Money is a big thing so I need the cheapest solutions that we can get away with but still have healthy animals.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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Your questions are a great starting place. If you are starting with doelings you need to give them the nutritional plane to grow and develop properly.

First of all.. give them loose minerals for goats instead of a mineral block.

Do you have pasture or will they be on a dry lot? The type and amount of hay will depend on a lot of things. A high-quality grass hay can be given free choice in most stages of life if you don't have pasture, but I am a firm believer in alfalfa hay free choice also.

Pellets and hay can definitely be used on the same day.

The problem with hard and fast questions is that the hard and fast answers for one day might not work for the next day.

As goats grow their needs change. Sooooo - here's an easy answer for the water question. Never limit their consumption. Have clean water available at all times.

Grain and protein percentage needs will change as they grow.

Feed for two Nigerian doelings will probably NOT be the biggest issue you will ever face.

If you and your parents will take the time to sit down and do as much research as you can - you will both feel much more secure in making this decision.

Folks on this forum will be glad to help you! Hopefully your folks will be glad to help you realize this dream.


Herd lurker
Jun 29, 2014
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we have an abundance of grass in our yard.
and I should have made it clearer but I need to know how many gallons they drink a day so I can buy a big enough water tub.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
Water- at all times
Hay- free choice 24/7 They must have hay and or forage. They need this for their digestive system to work properly. Nigies do not eat a whole lot of grain. Average 1 cup (non- lactating) per day.

We tend to give the alfalfa hay to the lactating goats. The rest get local cut hay, orchard, or some timothy.

Goats are lots of fun and very sweet animals and you will most definitely enjoy them! I do agree with @frustratedearthmother ,
there are many more things to consider. Understanding parasites will be a biggy.

If you have a breeder in mind I would ask them if they can help you learn goat care and management BEFORE you get a goat. Also if they can recommend a vet in your area.

We teach our customers how to care for their goats. We show them how to check for parasites, run fecals under a scope, hoof trimming, mite checks, FAMACHA, body condition scoring, feeding options, management for their environment etc.
If they are newbies and local we will even do a visit beforehand to check on adequate shelter and fencing, poisonous plants etc.


Loving the herd life
Jun 3, 2011
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Northern Calif
Just as an example: I feed my goats hay twice a day since my pasture goes dry in summer. It is a mixed grass hay (think lower "quality" although it really isn't, just lower protein.) For those pregnant, lactating, hard keepers and recently weaned I will also feed a complete pelleted goat food that is primarily alfalfa but has extra minerals and other stuff in it (copper, ammonium chloride, vit A etc) about 1/2 to 1 pound a day, usually split into two feedings. Plus all my animals have access to loose mineral. My hay bales are usually a little over 100 pounds and I'd guess that a a bale would last two nigerian goats about 2 weeks.

Try this link, scroll down to doe feeding and you will find many good articles.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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For 2 nigerian goats, a 5 gallon bucket for water should be sufficient, though I always recommend more than one waterer in case one breaks or is tipped over. For smaller kids I worry about drowning and go with shallow buckets (2-3) in a 3 gallon size until they are larger.

I feel alfalfa hay is best for growing kids. Hay is important for rumen health so I would never try and do without that. I also give small amounts of grain for growing kids. Grain in a 50 lb bag will last awhile for just 2 kids so I would freeze it (if you have the freezer space)in gallon bags and just take out one at a time. 1 cup of grain a day (I prefer 1/2 or even 1/4 cup just for training or treats)is more than enough for a nigerian, unless it is really cold. Goats have high metabolisms and may need more hay/grain in the winter (especially if the weeds or grass they graze on die back), I see you are in Alaska? What kind of shelter will they have? They will eat more, the more time they spend out in the cold. When I only had 2 nigerians they ate about 1/2 to 1 flake of hay a day, but that also depends on the size and weight of each bale. From most bales I get 10 or so flakes. I am in California and my bales are alfalfa so keep in mind, your mileage may vary......

Loose goat minerals are very important. They need minerals available to use as they seem fit. Even my kids use quite a bit sometimes.

Hope that helped! Good luck!


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
So can the goats eat the same type of hay that rabbits do- a mix of grass and alfalfa?
Sure they can.
But, here in NC coastal bermuda grass hay is fairly plentiful and fairly cheap. I get a 5x5 round bale (around 900 lbs) for $45. (now, it was $35 a year or so ago). I give mine that free choice. From may to the end of Oct i give my does in milk and the kids/Jrs a couple of flakes of alfalfa per day. I think I bought 30 bales from May until now, and I've got enough to last through Oct. I will get a couple of bales of peanut hay this winter.
Goats can be maintained on about any kind of grass hay. Mine don't like fescue very much, and the only time I feed that is in the early spring if I can't get anything else.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
I need to know apx. how many flakes of hay a day one nigherian dawf doe needs in one day when she not pregnat and when shes' pregnent? What knid of hay is best?

My two cents--offering them access to hay freely is the way to go. If you can get a second or third cutting (or even fourth) of a grass hay, they will waste less of it because it won't be as stemmy and tough. Goats can live on hay and water and like to munch throughout the day. You can use the weight of the animal to calculate how much they really should be eating each day but it is simpler to offer them all they want to eat and let them at it. They are not going to likely get too fat on it and will eat what they need, pregnant of not.

We use a grass hay, sometimes with alfalfa blended in. Straight alfalfa is quite rich, can cause digestive upset, and is likely far more expensive than a regular blend.

I have seen ignorant folks cheaply advertise their old, moldy, damp hay for goats, probably assuming that goats "eat anything"...don't buy it. You will wind up with sick or dead animals.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
I need to know apx. how many flakes of hay a day one nigherian dawf doe needs in one day when she not pregnat and when shes' pregnent? What knid of hay is best?

My two cents--offering them access to hay freely is the way to go. If you can get a second or third cutting (or even fourth) of a grass hay, they will waste less of it because it won't be as stemmy and tough. Goats can live on hay and water and like to munch throughout the day. You can use the weight of the animal to calculate how much they really should be eating each day but it is simpler to offer them all they want to eat and let them at it. They are not going to likely get too fat on it and will eat what they need, pregnant of not.

We use a grass hay, sometimes with alfalfa blended in. Straight alfalfa is quite rich, can cause digestive upset, and is likely far more expensive than a regular blend.

I have seen ignorant folks cheaply advertise their old, moldy, damp hay for goats, probably assuming that goats "eat anything"...don't buy it. You will wind up with sick or dead animals.
