good on you bee keepers. all i know about honey bees is that i am very allergic but i love honey and can't wait for the honey recipes. youall get goin'
That is so sad. He was probably allergic to beestings? I got attacked by a swarm of bees once and they stung the crud out of me, I cannot remember exactly how many stings I got in total, but I remember counting about 17 stings on one of my legs. My brother messed with their hive and then send me out to collect the honey. I was very young at the time and didn't know better.
Talking of which, I read in a magazine recently that the most times a person has been stung by bees without dying is 2,443 times
2,443 times ??? The first time my father in law was stung, he received an small area rash that hurt. The 2nd time the area swelled up quite a bit. Years later, the third sting caused his whole arm to swell up like a ballon in minutes and had to cut off his wedding ring like right NOW as his finger was turning blue . He hoped that he never gets another sting as he was afraid of what was to come next.