norseofcourse's journal - spring and show update


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Very sad to report that Brosa aborted a lamb today :( She appears to be doing alright, but I'll be talking to my vet tomorrow about what to watch for and do. I don't know if it's connected that she was the only ewe not showing any signs of udder development yet.

Tomorrow is my day to check udders on the other three sheep. The excitement's gone out of it a little, replaced by some sadness.

Temps are currently in the single digits, wind chills below zero. We have several extremely cold nights coming up, and daytime temperatures in the single digits or teens. At least there doesn't seem to be much snow along with it.


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Tonight was the weekly check on the ewes. Gracie and Number 3 both have a small amount of udder development, Rose has about twice as much. I didn't check Brosa, as I had checked her yesterday after I found her aborted lamb, and she still didn't have any udder development.

This weekend will be one month to go for my first possible lambing date, so I'll be doing their CD/T vaccinations. Not sure which day yet, might be Monday which will be very cold but sunny, better than trying to deal with wet, snowy wool.

Not looking forward to the next 6 or 7 days, we'll be seeing the coldest temperatures yet this winter. Might break a record low. At least I have plenty of hay, the ponies have a heated water tub, and we're not supposed to get too much snow. We are in for some gusty winds, though. After that the temperatures are supposed to start getting back to normals, that will be great!

Good luck to everyone else in this deep freeze, keep thinking spring!


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Brosa passed the placenta this morning, nearly 2 days after miscarrying the lamb. I was able to save it for the lab. I'm glad she passed it, one less thing to worry about.

Oh, and I talked to the guy at Bucks County Fur yesterday about the lambskins and the ultra cold weather we've been having. He said being frozen should not hurt them, wait till the temps go back up and check them again and send when I can.
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Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
I took the lamb and placenta to the vet Monday, for him to send to the state lab. Two to three weeks before we might get results back, and they might not be able to find the cause at all. I'm hoping if not, at least they might be able to rule some things out.

27 days till my first possible lambing date - crossing fingers the other 3 ewes will be ok. If I can believe accuweather, we have about a week more of unseasonably cold weather, then temperatures start to get back to normal again, getting into the 50's by the time lambs are due. I hope they are right - I will be so glad to see warmer temps! I was supposed to give shots on Monday, but I just couldn't do it with the temps in the single digits. Temps this Saturday are supposed to be close to 30, so I'll do shots then, which is still 3 weeks from lambing.

Think spring...


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Weekly udder check tonight. Gracie and Number 3 still have smallish udders. Rose's udder is growing, it feels bigger than a grapefruit, so maybe about the size of an Ugli fruit :) Every day that goes by makes it less likely for any of them to lose a lamb to whatever happened with Brosa, and I breathe a little easier. Brosa is still doing well, normal appetite and activity level, and no strange discharge.

Elding has been a pain ever since Brosa aborted the lamb. I've had to leash him and take him along with me quite a few times. Yesterday, he came at me again and I, fed up, got him down on the ground and held him there till he stopped struggling. I'm still not real good at getting him down, so it took awhile. I think Elding and I are both very stubborn.

This evening, he started butting the empty hay tub I was carrying in, then came at me, too. I got hold of him and laid him down again (slightly easier than yesterday). After I let him up, he rejoined the ewes at the gate, as I walked to the barn. I got nearly there, and he came at me again. This time I had to chase (walk not run) him a bit to catch him, and in the process he nearly got me a few times - I held out the leash as he got close, to catch him, but he would stop just short of it and then leap away. I did finally get him and laid him down again till I felt his eyes were calm again. This time when I let him up, I kept the leash on him and kept him with me as I got the hay tub and water jug, and took them to the barn.

I'm a bit frustrated, to say the least. I really don't want to escalate it with Elding, like using electric or hitting him (which I think would just make him worse). Maybe if I could get him down on the ground quicker, it would be more effective. Maybe he just needs a few refreshers before it gets through his thick skull again. Maybe I need to figure out a different approach...

I plan to vaccinate the sheep tomorrow. Last week was just way too cold. It's supposed to be about 32 tomorrow, but we're also getting snow. It is February, this is not unusual, but I am sooooooo ready for spring. And everyone I talk to is sick of winter and so ready for it to get warmer, too!


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Thank you Hens and Roos, I'm being as careful as I can.

We had about 6 or 7 inches of snow today, with a break in the afternoon, giving me enough time to drive down and get the vaccine I needed. The roads were bad, luckily the idiot drivers were few...

So now everyone's vaccinated. The vet said go ahead and vaccinate Brosa with the rest as long as she wasn't showing symptoms of anything, so she's done too.