Herd Master
Well, we made it through our deep freeze - temps got into the single digits for awhile, and we've had snow, freezing rain, sleet, rain, rising temps, more rain, falling temps, more snow, more freezing rain, sleet, and right now snow again. Only one casualty - put a hammer right through the side of a water bucket. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to hammer on them to break the ice out I've done it before, but either the temps were too low or the bucket was too old. Got it many many years ago at Equine Affaire, a company was giving free buckets to the first 100 people at their booth, so a friend and I got there really early
I have a leg of lamb defrosted and ready to cook today. I am more confident about cooking lamb since I got a meat thermometer. Here's some of the last leg I cooked, took it to just under 150°:
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That's a small plate, I didn't have room for the vegetables! The lamb was very tender and juicy, and had a nice mild flavor. I haven't had enough lamb to really compare it against anything, and I've never had strongly flavored lamb or mutton, but I'd say it's pretty good lamb
Temps will be close to single digits again for a few more nights. It'll be nice to have a white Christmas. Then just a couple more months and it'll be spring!