chickens really
Herd Master
Jaime this is my favourite goat! My lord she is so pretty!
We went from having two wethers to 12 does and 4 bucks!Goats can definitely be addicting
Pedigree and show quality isn’t needed! GOATS are fantastic just because they are Goats. I love my Mixed breed goats! Fantastic pets.
You must be having so much fun with the goats! I can't imagine having 20 goats.Yes! I'm waiting for Annabelle my jersey to come in heat to have her artificially bred. and my gilt truffles (The little tri-colored girl i kept from last year's litter) Is due on September the 4th~ I'm up to 16 goats. 12 does and 4 bucks. I plan on retaining quite a few does from this coming kidding season so i expect to have around 20 or more does next year. I'm actually working on putting up a new barn strictly for goats and hay storage. I'm thinking it'll be a 48' by 50' A framed barn. We're in the works of clearing the forest next to us where we're going to put the barn up. The plan is to have it up before winter so I can move all my goats before the kidding season starts.
Here's what we've gotten done so far..View attachment 75799.View attachment 75800View attachment 75801View attachment 75802View attachment 75803View attachment 75804
View attachment 75805
They're gotten a whole lot more of the forest cleared today, i'll have more pictures up later~
Hello young Lady.
I was looking through some old pictures I have. Look at how adorable Truffles was as a piglet. ❤
I hope Everything is going well with you.View attachment 76036View attachment 76037