Overrun with beasties
We brought my sweet little Cypress home about a month and a half ago. He seemed to be one of the healthiest in my herd until about a week ago. I was struggling with worms and coccidia in my two little doelings, but Cypress seemed fit as a fiddle. I had the vet come out and he gave me some corid to mix in the water supply for a couple days which prompted a quick and complete turn around for my girls. Just about a day after I started thanking the stars that my girls were improving, Cy started scourring. I gave everyone some probiotics and electrolytes and Cy some worming medicine (his eyelids were completely pale) and hoped for the best. It's been about 4-5 days since then and his stools have become pelleted again, but his behavior is way off. So far today he hasn't eaten at all except for what I physically offer him. (If I pick grass or offer hay, he'll nibble at it.) But as the day goes on he keeps getting progressively weaker and more lethargic. I can barely get him to stand and if he does he cries in what seems like pain until he lies down again. He seems like he can barely keep his head up and eyes open. I'm so scared for him. I called the vet and he said to try giving him yogurt, but he refuses to touch it. We got a little shot of probios in him about 10 minutes ago. But that's the extent. The vet's going to drop off some Vitamine B complex in the morning, but I'm not even sure if he's going to make it that long. Anyone have any ideas? @Goat Whisperer @Southern by choice @Goatgirl47