Loving the herd life
OOOOOOO i'm bottle raising two boers and MMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAA all the time. (P.S my nubian is really really loud all the time too just cry cry cry cry cry)Roll farms said:Some of our boers are just as loud as the nubs at feeding time, but as a general rule they're not as obnoxious as Nubs are. Boers seem to be more about FOOD than any breed I've had.
I mean, all goats are hogs, but Boers are x10 about it. If I'm late to feed, they're the ones bellowing for me, while the Nubs are complaining about needing milked.
I know you want floppy ears, but if you can't have them b/c of noise and still want goats, go w/ Obs. Never met a more quiet, polite breed of goats in my life.