Hudson and me
Loving the herd life
One killed the other and then we had to give the remaining one away to my friendWhat happened to your budgies?
One killed the other and then we had to give the remaining one away to my friendWhat happened to your budgies?
Well some farmers keep buffaloes for their milk. It is richer in calcium and protein than cow's milk, and has less cholesterol and sodium. Plus Buffalo Meat has a high level of protein and iron and it has been proven to lower cholesterol levels up to 45% within a 6 month period because it is high in Omega 3's and 6's which aid in combating cholesterol.
But most people don't think of keeping Buffaloes.
I have :
1 dog
25 guinea fowl
18 chickens and roosters
4 cows
6 ducks
5 goats
3 pigs
and 2 rabbits.
And in the summer we raise 450 meat chickens.![]()
We have
3 horses
5 LGD dogs
12 ewes and 1 ram
1 steer that we are feeding out for slaughter
1 pig in the freezer LOL. We sold the other one
9 pullets that have not started laying, just slaughtered the old layers (8) and gave the meat to disabled neighbors
34 Cornish Cross meat chickens, just slaughtered 11 of them, 4 more to go as they were 2 weeks older, then let the other 29 grow for 3 more weeks.
2 Looney Goonies. (guineas) 2 males, dogs went on a dysfunctional rampage and killed off my flock. the 2 males are now lonely, see their reflection in the chrome trim on husbands truck and think they have friends. They nestle down next to the truck, chase it when we leave and run to greet their "friends" when we return.
I don't have a thread yet on here but next time we get them I will make a thread and tag you!What do you do with so many meat chickens? Do you sell the meat? Would you please do a thread here on how you raise and process them on your next batch? Tag me when you do! Do you have a thread on BYH on them? I raise some for sale in the spring, have 1 loyal customer, that pays for ours. This year I have gained 2 more customers, that's why I am raising a fall bunch.
I'd rather raise them in early spring, before the darned snakes are active. This batch stinks too. I move their tractor daily, but they stink. I guess it's the heat. I am "paying" a couple of neighbors out of this bunch with chicken meat, the old barter system!
I caught the two males last night!!! They were so lonely that they flew over the garden fence to join the 9 pullets and followed them into the coop when I put the pullets up for the night. I called Neighbor Robert and told him, he's coming over this morning to get them. He has 3 young ones and thinks at least 2 are females. He has been trying to get a flock established too. He used my incubator and hatched out some. EVERYTHING wants guineas.Eat the remaining two guineas and get a new batch of 15-20 guinea keets. Guineas perform best in a flock of 10 or more.
I caught the two males last night!!! They were so lonely that they flew over the garden fence to join the 9 pullets and followed them into the coop when I put the pullets up for the night. I called Neighbor Robert and told him, he's coming over this morning to get them. He has 3 young ones and thinks at least 2 are females. He has been trying to get a flock established too. He used my incubator and hatched out some. EVERYTHING wants guineas.