Herd Master
No poultry so our Red Tail hawks are not much of a predator issue.
Major predator is coyotes. Used to be loose neighborhood dogs, but don't see so any of them anymore. But the coyotes are now hunting boldly in packs of 5 to 20. They are not afraid of people so dangerous to drive off. Thank goodness for our 3 Anatolians. Ridiculous to think that the coyotes are so numerous in the San Fernando Valley suburbs that we need 3 working Anatolian LGDs to protect 6 acres! But these California liberals don't recognize danger from animal predators or human ones. Burbank residents have been warned not to walk their dogs in the early mornings or late afternoons/dusk!
Occasional cougar - one took a dog last month across the boulevard. But again our LGDs notify everything in the area that the cougar is on the hunt so they tend to avoid us.
We live on a private road surrounded by nothing but steep hills and draws so human predators are not as much of a problem here as they are in locations with street access.
Definitely coyotes.
Major predator is coyotes. Used to be loose neighborhood dogs, but don't see so any of them anymore. But the coyotes are now hunting boldly in packs of 5 to 20. They are not afraid of people so dangerous to drive off. Thank goodness for our 3 Anatolians. Ridiculous to think that the coyotes are so numerous in the San Fernando Valley suburbs that we need 3 working Anatolian LGDs to protect 6 acres! But these California liberals don't recognize danger from animal predators or human ones. Burbank residents have been warned not to walk their dogs in the early mornings or late afternoons/dusk!
Occasional cougar - one took a dog last month across the boulevard. But again our LGDs notify everything in the area that the cougar is on the hunt so they tend to avoid us.
We live on a private road surrounded by nothing but steep hills and draws so human predators are not as much of a problem here as they are in locations with street access.
Definitely coyotes.