Facetime works for me. DH wants to know where the puppy is going to sleep. His tolerance for puppies is not great. I need to get the flight set up, and find a crate.
OK, so we need to hash out details and financials... What's the overall plan here? No sense in stopping her here in TX if you can go the whole way for the same price.
So far it is myself, 2 others, and @Southern by choice. I am robbing the bank and buying the puppy. As soon as I get the health cert, crate, and flight she is on her way to NC. We will split the costs up to that point and get a puppy down the road. The rest TBD. I need to talk to SBC and discuss the rest. As soon as I know who all is interested I will start a conversation with all of us and we can work it all out. Definitely want to make sure that everyone knows what to expect so no surprises or regrets or hard feelings. I learned a long time ago to never sell a goat to a friend...