I have a pretty good size herd of Does and have just started my kidding season. All of my goats are important but you know how it goes.....the most expensive most detrimental to your herd give you the most trouble..lol. We have been bitting our nails over this Doe...she is an older doe who kidded out with a single buck kid almoat 2 weeks ago. She has only one half of her udder that will work due to mastitis last year. The buckling nurses the good side and we supplement him with goats milk. We did attempt to graft him to a doe who kidded out yesterday...she was willing to accept him but he would NOT nurse from her. So we gave him back to his mom this evening. The Doe(his mom) was doing ok but developed diarrhea yesterday. It kinda smells is very runny/watery. I see no blood etc. Her temp was 103.5. I treated her with Banamine, Sulfmeth. 12.5% (8cc), vitamin b complex. It seemed to slow down a bit. (maybe just my wishful thinking) also noticed yesterday evening some swelling in her abdomen...perhaps her milk vein???. It is furthur swollen this evening and I was thinking perhaps it was because we took her buckling from her. I have never noticed that in any other does I have had and it concerns me. It doesn't seem to bother her. She was not engorged as I would expect when I put her buckling back on her this evening. He is happy to keep nursing on her though...so not sure what he is actually getting or if they are both just pretending. Her temp is still 103.5....I treated her with more of the Sulfameth...skipped the Banamine this evening and gave her a large dose of Penicillin and her B-12 complex. I also wormed her this evening. She is routinely wormed and has been wormed previously after having this baby, her surroundings are kept very clean. I am having trouble getting her to eat hay-(which is usual with her)
Not sure what else to do with her.
Not sure what else to do with her.