Last two days were the hottest of the year
High 90s and heat index like 105 plus
Animals are handling pretty good
They are eating better than last week
We are having a milk tester out tomorrow and Tues to do our validation test on some animals
Had to do Opal because she freshened first and validation test has to be by a certain point in lactation
Going to do Taffy and Rosie too they are doing pretty good
Waiting until next month to do the others @Southern by choice@Goat Whisperer
How are yours taking the heat ?
We got a few fans from TSC, they absolutely love them! They pretty much hand out under it most of the day. I clipped some of the girls down in March, I really need to do them again. A few were pretty sweaty but otherwise good. I think they are finally adjusting to the heat. They are eating okay but still not as much as they normally would. I would like to see some more water intake, on that subject I will probably message you in a bit. Want to ask if you have ever seen or used a particular product... more on that later.
I clipped a few of the ND doelings today, I think they like it. I might have to put some sunscreen on them though.
I still desperately need to get some weight of Ruthie, fat lil' heifer I have thought of following her around with a spray bottle to keep her moving.... I'm worried that'd give her a heart attack
Isaac is still in with one of our wethers. He is a lucky boy and is in one of the coolest areas on the farm
Oh, if the lamanchas get to hot they stand around for me to hose them down... spoiled brats!
GoatWhisperer scared me to frantic mode
Saw her heading out to the barn
Never came in
I looked everywhere
Every building
I was frantic thinking she was passed out from the heat
Finally found her clipping goats down in the milk room
We moved the fans around and like gw said bought more
Makes a huge difference
Our goats hate the rain, though half the Nigerians and the Saanen doeling will tolerate a very light misty rain if it's been pouring all day. The Lamanchas- not a chance. One drop falls and they run to the driest corner of the barn and glare at us until the rain stops, demanding hay since they can't go out in the rain and graze.
We love our fans. We have weeks of 90s+ and had heat index around 110' last week. The goats haven't melted yet.