True BYH Addict
Congrats on the kiddos!

Minnie is looking better. I think we have milked her and treated for the last time tonight. No clumps in what we milked out and not much at all. That side is still bigger than the other, but not as much.
Here's a question for my fellow Dairy goat breeders. Do you give Tomorrow when you dry off as normal protocol? @babsbag @Southern by choice ?
Like I said we did for Minnie and Taffy this year because of the study, but had not been doing this as normal protocol.
Maurine said when she worked at the dairy at State they always gave cows Tomorrow when they dried them off.
We just never had, but are thinking we should going forward.
We do not. It is definitely worth looking at all the info. The one thing I do wonder about is that in all these years you have never had a case yet the one case you had was one you treated. I do wonder if in the case of the small farm dairy if it is already much cleaner than large facilities and less risk... and by inserting the tube might be exposing the teat to the bacteria... I guess if the teat was thoroughly washed, tip cleaned with alcohol etc it may be safe...
Just thinking out loud... not really a very coherent thought I guess.I am looking at all the does you have bred and milked and nothing... then one. I do find the study interesting. Through the DHIR testing I think the somatic cell count data is recorded (I can't remember) that would be a great baseline and then to see what those numbers are at the end of lactation.
All very interesting and a great food for thought thread.
Curious to see what Babs does.